Recently the percentages of GS1 only coupons have risen steadily overtaking the number of dual bar coded coupons. In a recent Sunday newspaper insert 36 of the 54 coupons contained only the GS1 formatted barcode. With this increase your store needs to support this new format or manually enter the coupon amounts. Being unable to accept these coupons will slow the lines, open the chance for fraud, as well as the chance for increasing errors. This changeover was originally scheduled for January of 2010 and then rescheduled for January 2011 when several of the parties involved were unable to make the first deadline. Unofficially the start would have been last July 2011, which also came and went. Now the number of GS1 only coupons indicates the change is occurring. Make sure your store can scan these coupons and make use of the technologies that have been developed. Call or email STCR Sales today for assistance in finding if your system is ready!
For a more detailed breakdown of the GS1 barcode format take a look at the STCR Newsletter archives at this link: