iness Systems is pleased to join the American Cancer Society Relay For Life® in an ongoing effort to make a positive difference in our community and beyond. Fighting cancer is a team effort. The impact we can make together is much greater than what any of us could do alone. By supporting STCR’s “Register Hope” team, you will be a part of a life-changing event that celebrates the lives of those who have battled cancer, remembers loved ones lost, and empowers all of us to fight back against a disease that takes too much.
You can help STCR in the fight against Cancer by making your donations to the American Cancer Society through our team, “Register Hope”. You can also join us at the walk to show your support to the many people affected by cancer! The “Relay For Life” event will take place on Friday, June 19, 2009 and will wrap up on June 20th at noon. This event will be taking place at McArthur School in Binghamton, NY.
We are selling balloons for $1 for the “Rope of Hope.” Our goal is to sell enough balloons to make the “Rope of Hope” extend all the way around the track. We will also be selling luminary bags.

R Business Systems has also been working closely with CHOW, Community
Hunger Outreach Warehouse. CHOW has many great programs that help our community feed the hungry. One such program is the “Back Pack Program.” Once a month volunteers go to the CHOW office to fill bags with nutritious food for school aged children. On Fridays CHOW volunteers go to the local schools to give these bags to children of low income families. This program ensures these children will have nutritious snacks for the weekend. STCR enjoys volunteering with CHOW to help with this program.