Friday, April 9, 2010

Balancing Daily

Regardless of the point of sale software you use today, it is very important to balance any external accounts on a daily basis. This applies to all of the electronically processed tenders you handle.

When you ring sales and tender the transactions using electronic tender, the customer’s information is sent to your credit card processor and an approval is normally returned. This amount then logs to the cashiers accounting file. For some of the forms of tender in today's systems the option exists to either sign the slip of paper or sign on the register's pin pad. Then the electronic signature is stored somewhere on the system for later retrieval. In the past the slips of paper would be picked up from the cashier’s accountability and moved to the stores accountability. Now that the electronic record is created some stores automatically move the accountability to the office at the time of the transaction. This does simplify and speed up the process. The down side of doing this is that now the transaction is totally electronic and some stores have taken the POS reports to be the final total for the store. What is forgotten is somehow the same amount of money needs to be deposited into the stores bank account to make the entire transaction complete.

Different POS systems and credit card processors vary with the method to compare what the store has processed and what the processor is giving you credit for. Some POS systems show you a one report comparison; others have a separate web site that reports what credit the processor has given you credit for. Sometimes the reports do not match and this is normally because some transactions were taken off line and should show up as an overage on the next days report.
Finally the most important step of the process is to implement a method that the credit transactions are tracked to make sure the money expected actually makes it all the way to your bank account.