Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nutritional Value

The nutritional value of food is a concern for most consumers and they are always looking for ways to decrease spending in food stores while being conscious of what they are feeding their families. In a study done by the NGA (National Grocer Association) the simple ‘desire to be healthy/eat what’s good for us’ came in #1. Some other nutritional concerns that ranked in this survey are:

• Fat content/low fat 13%
• Chemical additives 12%
• Salt/sodium content, less salt 10%
• Freshness, purity and no spoilage 6%

Of the consumers surveyed by the NGA 84% are leaning toward eating more fruits and vegetables and 64% of consumers are trying to consume ‘less junk food/snack food’. A surprising statistic is 33% of consumers in this survey look to their grocery stores to learn about nutritional issues on a regular basis where as 23% look to their doctor. This not only helps grocery stores keep their customers coming back but also gives them the opportunity to increase their customer base.

Loyalty programs can give your customers an incentive to be more nutritionally conscious. The more you know about your customers, the better you can meet their needs and gain their confidence.