Productivity and organizational growth work hand in hand to create a strong relationship. To put it simply, the productivity of a company’s employees measures their effectiveness and efficiency in

The corporate environment in every industry is becoming increasingly challenging. This cold hard fact suggests a constant need for employees to strive to achieve greater productivity in their daily work.
Here are six tips to help you increase productivity.
#1: Personalize Agendas
Employees who develop their own daily agenda typically perform more resourcefully than those who are provided with a rigid schedule to follow. In order to keep a schedule each day, we can simply jot an "activity list" on a piece of paper which can easily be referenced throughout the day.
#2: Clump Small Tasks Together
Every working individual has a list of routine tasks to be performed on a daily basis. In just a few minutes, you can break down each responsibility into small tasks. When each requirement is taken on as a set of brief tasks, it's sensible to pick out and "group" the related items together. This prevents us from having to jump back and forth to the similar duties, hampering productivity.
#3: Monitor Agendas
During a busy work day it is very easy to steer off the beaten path. When this happens it takes longer to recover and get back on track. Employees often find it helpful to prepare a schedule that he or she can follow through out the day. Once a set task is finished simply cross it out and continue on with the rest of your list.
#4: A Clean Desk Equals a Speedy Train of Thought
An untidy desk seems to have an impact on the owner's thought process. More often than not, finding things lost in the clutter also becomes time-consuming. However, there are some employees that firmly believe that they're more comfortable having a relaxed and casual way of working. The items on their desks aren't always a mess, and might actually be placed in a way that's easily accessible to them. Either way, the number of things spread around the desk should be neatly placed, rather than in a clutter, in order to expressively reinforce work principles.
#5: Finish Disliked Tasks Quickly
Procrastination settles in during a regular day at work for several reasons. One common problem is the requirement to complete least-favorite tasks. The best way to put an end to procrastination before it even comes into the picture is to complete the tasks that we dislike. As soon as those are done, the remaining day becomes less challenging or more exciting, with greater productivity.
#6: Revitalize at Lunch or Dinner Hour
With increasing pressure at work, many people ignore breaks completely. Taking a proper break for a meal offers positive medical and psychological advantages. The practice of taking proper breaks from work is the best way to get an instant energy boost for the remaining workday. Also if you can, go outside and take a short walk and get some fresh air. This will help get your blood flowing and take your mind off of work for a few minutes.
Using these six helpful tips will not only help productivity at work but will also make you a happier and more valuable employee.