In the wise words of Ben Franklin ‘an ounce of prevention is
worth a pound of cure’. A good
backup/recovery solution for mission critical systems is an ounce of prevention
crucial to any
business owner. The pain
of a hard drive failure without a good backup could include irrecoverable data
loss and avoidable, excessive downtime; both of which can prove to be very
expensive and detrimental to you business. Not only are you likely to incur the obvious
expense of required emergency services, but even more costly is the lost
revenue and customers associated with unnecessary and extended down times.

STCR provides a full backup/recovery solution to all our customers, yet having a solution in place is only the first step. Routinely ensuring the backup tasks completed successfully is the second step and should be a high priority for every store. Some solutions are automated yet they too need to be inspected periodically. It would be a mistake to assume a backup will be there when needed only to find out, when it’s too late, it’s not. There is no better way to protect your investment and minimize potential down times, due to a hard drive failure, than consistently confirming your backups are completing correctly. This way you can be proactive and call the Help Desk if there are any issues.
If you don’t know if your system(s) are backing up or even
how to check, please call STCR’s Help Desk
at (607) 757-0181. One of our friendly,
professional Retail Systems Analysts will be happy to assist you. Let us help you prevent the costly mistake of
not periodically verifying the backup solution is working effectively.