As of November 7, 2012, CreekSide Co-op Market in Elkins
Park, PA opened its doors for business.
The opening of the store was the culmination of community support to bring a grocery store back to 
the center of
For 40 years, that center was called
Ashbourne Market, a vital and vibrant grocery that drew people from the region
as well as the neighborhood.

the center of
Ashbourne was sold in 2000 and the city center was never the
same. Since its demise, most of the
businesses around it had gone too. Some
have survived, like the Frame Shop, whose owner had been counting the days
until something would bring traffic past their front door. To welcome the co-op, they led an army of
volunteer knitters to jacket nearby parking meters with yarn cozies. Needless to say the store opening was embraced
with open arms.
This full service store includes everything you would expect
– produce, seafood, meat, dairy, frozen and deli. There is an extensive selection of local
products from a 100-mile radius around the store while other items are prepared
on site. Also, the Market has a prepared
foods section called “Ashbourne Favorites” – “bringing back the best of the
past and pairing it with the best of the future.”
CreekSide Co-op installed STCR's SMS store system to help
manage ordering and receiving of merchandise while handling the Co-op