Support for EMV is not currently required, but the
processors in the US will be required to support processing in April of this
year, and you could see some benefits as early as October of this year. American Express has stated that “Beginning
October 2013, merchants will be eligible to receive relief from PCI Data
Security Standard (DSS) reporting requirements if the merchants’ POS acceptance
locations, where 75% of their transactions occur, are enabled to process
American Express EMV chip-based contact and contactless transactions.”
The credit card processors will be implementing a
liability shift for domestic and cross-border counterfeit POS transactions
effective Oct. 15, 2015. For more information on EMV, what it is, how it works
and what dates are relevant: http://www.smartcardalliance.org/pages/slideshows-20120409?template=slides
To check if your current pinpads are approved or need to be replaced or upgraded take a look at this website. http://usa.visa.com/download/merchants/retirement-of-pre-pci-attended-pos-pin-entry-devices.pdf