Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Getting More from your POS

Remember when your POS system was first installed? There were many things that you and your staff had to learn, such as the basic cashier functions to the back-office accounting and reporting features. There were adjustments that were needed to make the system fit your specific needs. Now that you have had some time using your POS system and your staff is proficient in their daily tasks, we’d like to suggest that you take another look at how you could get more out of your POS system to help improve your business. Most POS system users only use a small portion of the available functions and features. This may be sufficient to run your business but if you are looking for growth in your business or improving your bottom line, it’s worth your time to look at what else your POS system could do for you. Here are some examples and suggestions:

Advertising - It is everywhere. Advertising is on all forms of media and you see it from the time you wake up until you go to sleep. Most POS systems provide the functionality to place advertisement on the customer display. You may have the ability to place and change the pictures displayed on the customer display screen to further help you advertise to your customers in conjunction with the in-store signage.

Promotions - Everyone likes to get a deal. Promotions are great ways to gain new customers and create customer loyalty. However, it may take a little planning and creativity to come up with promos that benefit both you and your customers. We suggest that you don’t make the promo too complicated to understand. After all, the goal is to reward your customers for their loyalty.

Reporting - Arguably, the most valuable part of your system is the information gathered from all the transactions. What could you do with all that data? You could run reports like the basic daily sales and movement reports to comparison sales reports between this year and last year. Other options include reports that could help you with theft prevention and data-mining customer shopping patterns. These are just some functions and features that you could utilize to improve your bottom-line. Other functions and features which may be available include: deli scale management, ad-planning, price optimization and electronic signature capture.

If you would like to learn how you can get more out of your POS system and learn how to use any of the above functions or just want to know if something can be done, please contact STCR Business Systems at (607) 757-0181.