Sunday, February 9, 2014

Windows XP Support Ending in April 2014

With Microsoft’s recent announcement that they will continue support for anti-malware for Windows XP through 2015, many are confused.  To clarify the situation, Microsoft has not extended any support for Windows XP,
just their anti-malware that will run on it.

To be sure that you continue your PCI qualification you must upgrade or replace any Windows XP computers with an updated operating system like Windows 7 or newer at within 30 days of the April 8, 2014 deadline.  Without security patches you will not be able to comply with the following PCI rule.

PCI Rule - 6.2 Ensure that all system components and software are protected from known vulnerabilities by installing applicable vendor-supplied security patches. Install critical security patches within one month of release.

Note: Critical security patches should be identified according to the risk ranking process defined in Requirement 6.1.

Please contact your STCR, Inc. salesperson for further information about any upgrades you may need for your point of sale system at or 607-757-0181.

The announcement from Microsoft can be reviewed here: